Zippi Kids Art & Craft,Fall,Fine & Gross motor,Halloween,Holiday,Seasonal,Sensory Activities Hands-on Pumpkin Sight Word Activity for preschool and kindergarten

Hands-on Pumpkin Sight Word Activity for preschool and kindergarten

Low prep Pumpkin Sight Word Activity for preschool and kindergarten students gives students the opportunity to read, write, and recognize sight words. So grab a pumpkin, dry-erase marker, and our Pumpkin Literacy Centers Sight Words for October cards and get started today!

Looking for some more engaging pumpkin hands-on arts and crafts activities for your preschoolers this fall? This sight word pumpkin activity provides students with an opportunity to explore the practice letters, numbers, sight words and much more! You would also love to check out these more amazing 15+ Pumpkin Crafts and 25+ Fall Leaves crafts for your kids. I’ve also got you covered with these super fun 25+ Halloween Crafts and Activities

Start by printing our sight word cards. Once the cards have been printed, write those same words on a pumpkin with a dry-erase marker. When students pick up a sight word card they will find it on the pumpkin and erase it. Once all of the words have been erased students can start the activity over again. 

This activity has a wide variety of lessons that could be taught with it. Think alphabet, number, shape recognition, and so much more! 

Check out the video here:

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