Pine Cone Branch Process Art Fall Leaf for kids

Leaves craft, Pumpkin crafts and Fall Tree crafts are the flavor of the season. If you are a teacher or parent of a toddler, preschooler or kindergartner looking for easy and fun art and craft ideas you have landed on the right page! This Pine Cone Branch Process Art Fall Leaf for kids (preschoolers and Kindergartners) is just the perfect art project for fall.  
Free Fall Leaves Template is something you would definitely love to check out! Teachers grab your lesson planners and fill up each day with 25+ of the best fall crafts for your preschool and kindergarten-age kids!

This pine cone splat fall art project gives kids a chance to experience different textures in their art and gives you one less thing to clean up after the Autumn project is completed. Everybody wins!  Teaching kids to use things in a different way also helps build up their creativity as they learn to look beyond just what is expected.


Check out my TPT Store for more fun fall resources. These fall leaves crafts can be easily executed using these free fall leaves template.

Supplies Required:

  • a paper plate
  • real leaf
  • Paint
  • Sharpie
  • pine cone branch
  • small bowl

Pine Cone Branch Process Art- How to: 

Choose a large leaf and outline it with your sharpie in the center of your paper plate. In a small bowl put in a few drops of different colors of your fall paints. Use your pine cone branch to stir the colors together and then paint them onto your paper plate. This will give a very unique texture to the painting and opens up a lesson about fall trees and how their branches and leaves are different.

Check out the detailed video of Pine Cone Branch Process Art Fall Leaf for kids:

This fall art is  would make a great small group and early finisher activities. They would also be the perfect opportunity to bring in some older kids and have them help with the small groups by making sure supplies are ready and used properly.

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