Last Day of Daycare SIGN Editable with memories, Last day of School activities


Yippee !!! The last day of school is FINALLY here!!! This Editable Daycare Last Day of School sign makes a great last day activity for your kids class. My Last Day of School Sign with Memories is a great way to remember things about our kids as years roll by. This Daycare last day of school sign is a great photo prop and later can be stored in their file. This last day of school sign comes in both chalkboard and Ink-saver versions.


Yippee !!! The last day of school is FINALLY here!!! This Editable Daycare Last Day of School sign makes a great last day activity for your kids class. My Last Day of School Sign with Memories is a great way to remember things about our kids as years roll by. This Daycare last day of school sign is a great photo prop and later can be stored in their file. This last day of school sign comes in both chalkboard and Ink-saver versions.

This Daycare last day of school sign EDITABLE PPT has the following editable text:

• Student’s name

• Age

• Date

• Color

• Hobbies

I have similar last day of school signs for Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade. Do you need a grade which is not there in my listings?? Feel free to send me a message through Teachers Pay Teachers and I will add it PRIOR to your purchase.

Do also check out our Grade wise Graduation BUNDLE for Certificate/Diploma, Ceremony Program details, Ceremony invitations, Gift tags, Banner).

Graduation Handprint Keepsake, Photo Graduation Certificate for PreK – 2nd grad


Need someone to do the editing for you?? I can customize your sign for a small fee of additional $2 ( PER KID) The turnaround time is 1-2 days!!

**Set your printer options to “size to fit” instead of “original size” so that it does not cut off any part of the sign.

Do check out my End of Year / Graduation resources:-

Do check these MOST popular products of my store:

Note: This file is for ONE classroom use only. Please do not share the link with others or post on a public class website.

Additional information


May, June


Spring, Summer


End of the year, Graduation