Zippi Kids Fine & Gross motor,Outdoor Activities 10 Fun Animal Walks for Toddlers/ Preschoolers

10 Fun Animal Walks for Toddlers/ Preschoolers

Almost all toddlers love animals…and more than that they love to imitate. Thus, this is a great opportunity to make the best of it while they can have tons of fun. Animal walks for toddlers is a great way to practice Gross motor skills!

Have a look at the video below to See all the animal walk in a cute toddler video!

Animals walks are a great way to practice gross motor skillsat home. This is great for toddlers to use their imaginations and pretend to be their favorite animal . There are number of animal walks which are great sensory input and practicing gross motor skills to work towards achieving age appropriate milestones. Here are a few your toddlers would love:

Bear Walk

Bear Walk – Let’s Start with the legendary walk ! Have your toddler move around on their hands and feet with the front of their body facing the ground and their bottom up in the air. Engage them. Ask if they are a black bear or a polar bear? It’s great fun!

Duck Walk

Duck Walk – Let them Keep arms straight by their side, bend down and take short steps. Encourage them to waddle and quack like a Duck.

Flamingo Hop

Flamingo Hop – Let your toddler to stand on one foot and hop. This is a great walk to practice balancing.

Crab Walk

Crab Walk – This is one of the tricky ones, but if they master it they are there…Ask your toddler to sit down with their hands by their side. Then they need to push their body upwards on their hands and feet so their body is like a table. The bottom should no touch the ground while walking like a crab. It helps greatly in strengthening core body muscles.

Snake Slither

Snake Slither – Lie on belly and crawl forward touching the ground. It’s resembles an army crawl!

Kangaroo Jump

Kangaroo Jump – This is an all time favorite of many toddlers. In this the toddler need to jump with both his feet to move forward. Jump straight up as high as possible while keeping your legs together.

These animal walk are a great way to get active kids moving. Have them move forwards, backwards, and side to side just like real animals do! There are a lot of gross motor skills involved here, and is a great chance to work on many skills including body balancing and movements.

Now let’s see 10 animal walks appropriate for toddlers, so get started! Animal Walks for Toddlers

We have a collection of 100+ Fine and Gross Motoractivities for toddlers Please check all the parts here:

1: 10 Fine and Gross Motor Activities

2: Super Fun Yoga Poses for Toddlers

3: Simple Household Chore for Toddlers

4: 15 No-Prep Gross Fine and Gross Motor Activities

5: Cut Paste and Match Activity

6: Fun Counting Activities for Toddlers

7: Indoor Gross Motor Activities

8: 10 Fun Animal Walks for Toddlers

9: Gross Motor Games for Toddlers

10: No-Prep Fine Motor Fun Activities


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