Zippi Kids Art & Craft,Fine & Gross motor,Seasonal,Sensory Activities,Spring Caterpillar Color Mixing Craft for Spring for kids

Caterpillar Color Mixing Craft for Spring for kids

It’s so fun when kids experiment with colors to see how mixing colors can make new colors altogether. This caterpillar color mixing science experiment will be loved by your students. It’s mess free and makes a great fine motor activity sensory experience for kids. Also check out these 30+ Easy Spring art and craft ideas to grab cute Spring FREEBIES!

This caterpillar in a bag color mixing sensory bag goes very well with the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar! This caterpillar in a bag art activity for preschoolers and kindergarteners is a great sprint art project  and would also be a great addition to any bug (caterpillar and butterfly) units for spring! This caterpillar color mixing art painting is as fun and easy art activity for preschoolers and kindergartners. 

This caterpillar color mixing science experiment goes very well along with the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” which has always been a favorite book to read with my students. Also check out these fun Spring art & Craft projects for kids. Be sure to check out my 20 Super Fun Process Art For Kids which is a great way to explore and promote creativity in kids.

Let’s begin on how to create this hands-on caterpillar in a bag painting activity for spring and summer art project with kids. Do check out these super fun 10 Sidewalk Chalk activities for kids for summer.

Materials Required to set up

  • Cardstock paper
  • Permeant Marker
  • Acrylic Colors
  • Ziplock bag ( Gallon sized)
  • Adhesive tape
  • Round cap to draw circles

Step by Step Directions

  • Draw circles using a round cap on the cardstock paper
  • Squeeze few drops of Red and Yellow paint in one circle 
  • Squeeze few drops of Blue and Yellow paint the other circle 
  • Squeeze few drops of Red and Blue paint in another circle 
  • Carefully slide the paper into a gallon sized Ziplock bag
  • Secure the Ziplock bag tightly to the table for stability
  • Let kids use their tiny fingers to dab and mix the colors
  • Super easy and fun!

I am sure that kids will love this caterpillar craft as it can make a great hands-on spring art project. Also do check out my  Fall art project,  Summer art project, 4th of July  , Spring Art projects for preschoolers and kindergartens which are super simple and easy.

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