Zippi Kids Art & Craft,Crowns/Hats,Fine & Gross motor,Groundhog Day,Holiday,Seasonal,Winter Groundhog Day Craft and Activities for Preschool

Groundhog Day Craft and Activities for Preschool

Groundhog Day is observed on February 2 in the idea that the length of winter may be predicted by whether or not a groundhog emerges from its burrow and immediately retreats upon seeing its shadow. A prediction that spring will soon arrive is based on whether or not the groundhog sees its shadow. Many individuals now make an annual trip to see what the groundhog says about the next winter. The day is also observed by some as a time to rejoice over the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

For preschool children, celebrating Groundhog Day can be a fun way to learn about the changing seasons and the different animals that live in their local area. It can also be a great opportunity for children to practice their counting skills and learn about the months of the year. Additionally, it can be a fun way to learn about weather and the different types of weather that occur during the winter and spring seasons.

Get this Groundhog hat from my TPT Store

Groundhog Day Craft Editable Name Hats are super cute and will be loved by kids and parents. These Groundhog Day hats/crows will make this special day memorable. A perfect craft for the month of February. You just need to type students name and the hats will auto-fill.

You can print these Groundhog hats in color or black & white for students to color. This craft is simple–just cut and tape or staple!

The 1993 film Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray as a weatherman trapped in a time loop, has further contributed to the holiday’s widespread recognition. The film’s success has led to the widespread adoption of the term “Groundhog Day” to describe a seemingly endless cycle of the same events. 

Here are a few ideas for Groundhog Day activities for preschoolers:

  • Make a groundhog puppet or mask: Have the children cut out and decorate a groundhog shape from construction paper or cardstock. They can then use it as a puppet or wear it as a mask.
  • Create a groundhog den: Set up a small tent or fort in the classroom and fill it with stuffed groundhogs or groundhog-themed items. The children can take turns pretending to be groundhogs and “hibernating” in the den.
  • Groundhog Day Craft-  Editable Name Hats are super cute and will be loved by kids and parents. These Groundhog Day hats/crows will make this special day memorable. A perfect craft for the month of February. You just need to type students name and the hats will auto-fill.
  • You can print these Groundhog hats in color or black & white for students to color. This craft is simple–just cut and tape or staple!
  • Groundhog Day matching game: Make cards with pictures of groundhogs and their shadows. The children can match the groundhogs to their shadows.
  • Shadow play: Have the children make shadows on a wall with their hands and try to guess what the shadow is.
  • Groundhog Day snack: Make groundhog shaped cookies or sandwiches together.
  • Watch the groundhog prediction ceremony: Find a video of Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction ceremony and watch it together.

Remember to keep it fun and simple for the preschoolers, and let them be creative.

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