Dr. Seuss Free Printable Pattern activity for Read across America week



Dr. Seuss was born on March 2nd. His birthday is observed as “Read across America week” by many schools! Here is a FREE fun Dr. Seuss Patterns printable which shall keep your preschool and kindergarten class engaged for the first week of March. 

Enjoy his birthday while strengthening your hands and getting some exercise. For more than 50 years, Dr. Seuss has delighted children with his vibrant drawings, enduring characters, and thought-provoking tales.

Celebrate Dr. Suess Birthday which is also celebrated as Read Across America Day with these cute and no-prep Dr. Seuss Coloring Pages Collection. Perfect for elementary classrooms, this printable set features iconic characters like the Cat in the Hat, Thing One and Thing Two, One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish, Horton the Elephant, and the Lorax.

Create your own Dr. Seuss handprint Cat wearing the red Hat, Fish handprint and small Thing handprint art from the With National Read Across America Day approaching, here are some super cute handprint art and craft which makes the perfect keepsake.

Also check National Read Across America Day Fish alphabet letter match and ten frame counting Math Activity for March is super fun for Cat wearing the red Hat weekFish letter match and Number counting goes very well along with National Read Across America Day approaching. These fish centers activity are perfect for Month of March.

These National Read Across America Day centers are just the perfect way to celebrate the love for reading in the month of MARCH ! These math centers (1-20) are super easy to use.

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