Free Apple theme ten frames – 10 Google Slides


Apple theme ten frames Google Slides is a super fall activity with virtual drag and drop google slides to teach counting 1-10 to the young ones. A perfect resource for preschool and kindergarten


Apple theme ten frames Google Slides is a super fall activity with virtual drag and drop google slides to teach counting 1-10 to the young ones. A perfect resource for preschool and kindergarten.

I hope your little ones enjoy learning with this FREEBIE!

Check these Apple Virtual Field trip along with Digital Literacy and Math activities

Looking for digital alphabet activities? Do check Digital Alphabet Activities | Letter Practice, Tracing Bundle – 156 Google Slide

Looking for Task Cards for Beginning, Middle, Ending Sound and CVC Words?? Do check out my Digital Bundle

Also check my store for other BACK TO SCHOOL resources for Preschool and Kindergarten :

Note: This file is for ONE classroom use only. Please do not share the resource with others or post on a public class website.

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