Top Spinning Fall Leaf Art

This Top Spinning Fall Leaf Art is a super fun fall craft project for preschool and kindergarten! Spinning tops might be simple but they are one of the few toys that continue to stay relevant with kids of all ages. I bet you never thought to add a spinning top to paint to make a colorful design. This is such a fun fall activity.

Leaves craft, Pumpkin crafts and Fall Tree crafts are the flavor of the season. If you are a teacher or parent of a toddler, preschooler or kindergartner looking for easy and fun art and craft ideas you have landed on the right page! This Fall Leaf Necklace Craft for kids  is just the perfect art project for fall.  

We have seen the many options available for fall craft projects with real leaves but what if you’re in the middle of some rainy days or you’re not in an area with a lot of leaves laying on the ground? Thankfully we have a great printable leaf template available so you and your kids can still enjoy great fall crafts without ever needing to step outside!  


Check out my TPT Store for more fun fall resources. These fall leaves crafts can be easily executed using these free fall leaves template.

Supplies Required:

  • Small bowl
  • Spinning top
  • Leaf cut-out

Top Spinning Fall Leaf Art How to:

Place your cut-out leaf into the center of a small bowl, the sides need to be just tall enough that a top can spin around without jumping out! Place a few drops of different colored fall paints onto your paper leaf.
Take your small spinning top and spin the paint around the bowl until the leaf is completely covered. This will leave a very unique and fun paint coloring on your leaves. After the paint dries you could put holes by the stems and hang them in your classroom for an inexpensive and fun fall decor that you can’t find in stores. 

Check out the detailed video of Top Spinning Fall Leaf Art  for kids:

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