Zippi Kids Art & Craft,Easter,Fine & Gross motor,Holiday,Seasonal,Spring Easter Egg Froot Loops Fine Motor Craft

Easter Egg Froot Loops Fine Motor Craft

What better way to fill in an Easter egg than by using colorful Froot Loops cereal? Students will gain practice with making patterns, identifying colors, and using their fine motor skills. Also check out these 30+ Easy Spring art and craft ideas to grab cute Spring FREEBIES!

If there is any, preschool students may even enjoy snacking on the leftover Froot Loops once their egg is filled! Easter Egg Froot Loops Fine Motor Craft is super fun activity for kids!

Materials Needed:

● A piece of paper with an egg outline drawn or printed on

● Froot Loops cereal

● Glue

To Make:

● To complete this activity, print out or draw an egg outline onto a piece of paper the color of your choice.

● Spread glue in the middle of the egg until the entire egg is covered.

● Then, give students Froot Loops and allow them to fill in their egg using the Froot Loops.

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