Zippi Kids Fall,Halloween,Holiday,Seasonal,Sensory Activities Easy Halloween Science Experiments for Kids

Easy Halloween Science Experiments for Kids

Who doesn’t love Halloween and Science Experiments?? So, if we combine both, just imagine it would be so much fun! Halloween is the perfect time for spooky, hands-on science experiments in the classroom. These fun and easy 10 Easy Halloween science experiments for preschoolers, kindergartners and first graders just the perfect things to do in the month of October. If you love these, I bet you can’t miss myĀ 25+ Fall Leaf Art and CraftĀ ideas.

Whether you do theseĀ Easy Halloween gamesĀ and activities at home with your kids or in the classroom during a fall festival, your preschoolers and kindergartners will be talking about them for months. You can also consider doing theseĀ 15+ Pumpkin Art and CraftĀ Ideas for Fall. Also Take a look at the fun and easyĀ Halloween art and craft, andĀ Halloween GamesĀ  to get your classroom into the Halloween spirit this fall.

Check out these amazing and fun Halloween science experiments for kids. They are perfect for homeschooling parents, teachers in the classroom, kindergarten fall festivals, preschool activities, and so much more! Also do not miss to have a look at my most popularĀ Handprint CraftsĀ templates for the whole year round!

Balloon Ghost ScienceĀ Experiment

Want to show your students what happens when baking soda and vinegar mix? This simple Halloween activity is a great way to talk about chemical reactions, plus it’s safe and not super messy. Grab your materials and set this up during a fall festival or outside for a fun science experiment.

Supplies Required:

  • white and orange balloons
  • funnel
  • black sharpie
  • plastic water bottles
  • vinegar
  • baking soda

Balloon Ghost Science Experiment: How to

Draw ghostly faces on your balloons to start. Use the funnel to add some vinegar to an empty water bottle. You only need a half a cup. Then, use the funnel to add baking soda to the inside of the balloon. Add a couple of tablespoons. Attach the balloon to the top of the water bottle without dumping any of the baking soda into the liquid yet. Once you are ready, let the kids dump the baking soda from the balloons into the water bottles and watch as they fill with air! The kids will be amazed.

Check out the video here:

Lava Lamp Halloween Science Experiment

Use this fun experiment during the spooky season to talk more about chemical reactions between vinegar and baking soda. This one comes with a fun twist! The end result is a lava lamp perfect for Halloween!

Supplies Required:

  • Clear cup
  • baking soda
  • vinegar
  • baby oil
  • food coloring
  • marker

Lava Lamp Halloween ScienceĀ Experiment: How to

Draw a spooky face on your clear cup. Then, put a few tablespoons of baking soda into the cup. Add baby oil to the baking soda. Fill the cup about 2/3 of the way. Mix together vinegar and food coloring and slowly add it to the vinegar in the cup. I suggest using an eye dropper if you have it so you can watch the fun chemical reaction happen, just like it would in a lava lamp!

Check out the video here:

Frozen Spooky Hand Sensory Activity

There are tons of activities you can do with frozen ice and some themed toys! Grab your little Halloween trinkets, freeze them in a rubber glove, and then let kids melt away the ice to reveal treasures. This fun Halloween activity is great for a Halloween party or get together with friends or at school. It’s also a wonderful sensory activity for kids of all ages.

Supplies Required:

  • water
  • food coloring (I used orange, but any color works)
  • rubber glove
  • spooky toys (spiders)
  • rubber band

Frozen Spooky Hand Sensory Activity: How to

Mix together orange food coloring and water. Add small spiders or other trinkets to the inside of a rubber glove. Dump in your water mixture. Secure the glove with a rubber band and freeze it overnight. Remove the rubber glove and place the frozen hand in a pie dish or plastic container. Give kids bottles of lukewarm water to squirt at the frozen hand to melt it. They will have fun revealing the treasures inside the hand!

Check out the video here:

Flying Ghost Science Experiment

This is such a fun way to keep little kids entertained as they learn about friction. Experiment with different papers such as coffee filters, tissue paper, regular paper, and more. Let kids see which will stick to the balloon and which will not!

Supplies Required:

  • tissues
  • sharpie marker
  • scissors
  • balloon

Flying Ghost Science Experiment: How to

Cut ghost shapes out of tissues and draw on silly faces using your marker. Then, blow up a balloon and let kids draw the balloon over the tissue ghosts. The friction will make them stick, and it will appear as if the ghosts are flying through the air!

Check out the video here:

Witch’s Brew Science Experiment

Learn about chemical reactions and simple science using this fun witches brew experiment. I love this activity because it uses mini cauldrons you can find at the Dollar Store or online. It’s easy peasy and can be repeated throughout the month. It’s a great project for preschool and kindergarten students.

Supplies Required:

  • vinegar
  • food coloring
  • dish soap
  • baking soda
  • mini cauldrons

Witch’s Brew Science Experiment: How to

Add baking soda to the bottom of your mini cauldrons. Mix together vinegar, dish soap, and food coloring. I like to add them to a squeeze bottle so kids can easily pour them into the cauldrons. Let kids squeeze the mixture over the baking soda and watch as the witches brew bubbles.

Check out the video here:

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